Penis Diseases


Penis Eğriliği Olanlar İzlemek ve Detaylı Bilgi Almak İçin Tıklayın.

How is surgery decided in Peyronie’s disease?

If the disease has been 1 year since the beginning, together with stiffness in the penis; If bending, pain, deformity and shortness have occurred, surgery should be considered.

When is surgery necessary for Peyronie’s disease?

Peyronie’s disease is the phenomenon of bending the penis due to drama or an unknown reason. The event that causes this bending is that the corpus cavernosum sheet, which provide erection in the penis, somehow calcify and lose their flexibility. Since this inflammatory process continues in the first year; Treatment is done with medication. If there is an erection problem exceeding 15 degrees after one year, pain occurs and the patient has difficulty in having intervention. These surgeries should be done in experienced hands. Both lengthening and straightening of the penis are essential for success. At the same time, it should not be damaged the penis nerves and veins

How is surgery performed in Peyronie’s disease?

For the operation of Peyronie’s disease, the penis is first examined. The degree of curvature direction and length of the penis are revealed. If the penis is long, it is goodness, if it is less, the hardness we call plaque and if it is less, it is performed to remove curvature with stitches, which is an easier operation. This surgery takes 20 minutes. The patient is discharged on the same day. If the penis is short and the goodness is high, then repair is done with the tissue to be removed from the skin of the patient, which we call the graft, to both lengthen the penis and correct its curvature. This operation can take 2 hours and the patient is discharged the next day.

What are the Types of Surgery in Peyronie's Disease? Click to Watch and Get Detailed Information.

Is There Any Benefit of Drug Treatment in Peyronie's Disease? Click to Watch and Get Detailed Information.

When Do Patients Recover Their Normal Sexual Lives After Peyronie Surgery? Click to Watch and Get Detailed Information.

What are the Criteria for Deciding on Surgery in Peyronie's Disease? Click to Watch and Get Detailed Information.

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