What is Testicular Cancer?
Hard painless mass of different sizes developing inside the testicle. Most of the time, the patient is diagnosed after being examined by a doctor after suspicion of self-examination.

Our 22-year-old patient with painless swelling in his right testicle. The testicle was removed with its long cord.
What are the symptoms of
testicular cancer?
There will be swelling, stiffness, shot put weight in the related testicle. It is often painless.

The tumor in the bladder usually appears as cauliflower or sea coral.
What are the causes of testicular cancer?
It usually occurs between the ages of 15-45. It is more common in men with undescended testicles or surgery.
What are the Risk Factors of Testicular Cancer?
Familial genetic factors, radiation exposure, presence of undescended testicles
What happens if testicular cancer isn’t treated?
Testicular cancers are the best-treated cancers. It is one of the rare cancers that can be treated even if it has metastasized. The rate of complete healing is close to 100% in those with tumor limited to the testicle. This rate is between 70-95% in patients with metastasis.
What should be done before doctor appointment in testicular cancer?
If available, the examination and radiological imaging methods should be accompanied.
What are the test methods of testicular cancer?
It is the first ultrasound and blood analysis performed after physical examination in testicular cancers. If there is a mass in the testicle on ultrasound, the testicle is taken even if the blood test is normal. Beta HCG, Alpha FPT LDH are examined as blood tests.
How is Testicular Cancer Surgery Performed?
Testicle removal surgery is radical oriectomy. It takes half an hour. You can be discharged the same day.
Pathology is Important After Testicular Cancer Surgery.
Pathology will say either tumor (80%) or not tumor. On the other hand, the patient receives a complete abdomen and chest tomography and treatment planning is done.
How Is The Treatment Planning Of Testicular Cancer Made?
SEMINOM: 40-60% of patients are in this group. After the patient’s testicle is removed, it is either only followed, radiotherapy or single dose of chemotherapy. Life with all treatments is close to 100%. NON-SEMINOMAL TUMORS: The first option is either follow-up or chemotherapy. Some patients undergo surgery where the posterior lymph nodes called RPLND are removed.
How Can I Follow Up After Testicular Cancer Surgery?
Patients are followed every 3 months with tomography blood tests and chest film. Patients who are followed up without chemotherapy or radiotherapy are followed more frequently.
How is RPLND ( Retroperitoneal lymph node dissection ) Performed ?
If the tumor is a non seminomatous tumor and stage 1, it may be a candidate for this method. Also, patients who have undergone chemotherapy but persist lymph nodes are also made. Requires experience. It is made by cutting the front wall of the abdomen completely or with an incision starting from the chest wall and continuing on the abdominal wall. This surgery takes 3-4 hours. The patient lies for 3-5 days.

In RPLND surgery, lymph nodes that need to be removed from the surgical incision and the back of the abdomen
What are the side effects related to surgery in testicular cancer?
It may be bleeding, clotting, absence of semen. In these patients, sperm protection should be performed in the sperm bank in order to have children in the future.